2021 Teen Choice Awards - SLIMEAGEDDON

Can't wait to flip myself and call u all idiots in the same post. are we close to hammer yet?

@mafiabot vc

Can't tell is slime votes count but damnit they shoildy

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
sophie 3 osiris, ian, bazingaboy
osiris 1 SOPHIE
bazingaboy 1 electrowizard

Not Voting

iaafr, Nyte, gwez,

Alive Players - 8

Majority Vote - 5


@electrowizard why are u voting IC

And would you mind moving your vote to me? thank you

Because this is a no night game with 2 IC and only 8 players. There's gotta be something going on with the ICs or a 3rd party or something.

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Totally agree but I am not sure if they are worth lynching d1 even if they are dummies. We should go for a shot in the dark, do you think anything about Osiris iaafr or nyte?

I didn't even think of that but a neutral seems like a good guess, maybe an angry lyncher or survivor is here

Osiris hasn't really done anything but tunnel you. Nyte hasn't made many posts of substance, but the "not even innocent children are innocent" hints at something. Not sure what. Iaafr hasn't done anything

Osiris could be scum. You're an easy person to tunnel right now and a decent target for scum to push. Or you're just scum

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I would probably be more laid back like Osiris, iaafr if I were

@mafiabot vote osiris


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salty scum mad cause 2 ic

we will never slime anyone at this rate

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if nyte is scum why would she say that

if nyte is town why would you believe they know anything

your mafia

who wants to slime ewiz instead of dan, he acting sus with all this magical thinking

Idk maybe it's because it's the same conclusion that anyone logical would come to?

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Dan, This is My New PLaystyle, Im OBviously TOwn for rEading YOu TOwn corrEctly

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wait maybe dans the serial killer these stupid nadota games always have serial killers