(9/9) Even odd killers signup

I will play anything at this point.

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Dondi isn’t even playing bro

Let him play. This is an inclusive forum

I don’t include afk griefing soz

Guess we have 6 then.

@Strawberry_Donut_King @antdude @bug @ilmemmerdelui @SCSF

It's time to sign the game.

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I sincerely do not understand how this game is played, even after reading the whole rules post.

Ok just post @mafiabot sign


That okay, I think most of the other players don’t either

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Can we start?

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@mafiabot sign


@bazingaboy can you pull gwez

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@electrowizard @Friend @faZ @sdadasdas @Gamut @iaafr

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@matticus @magicmagininja @lwyrup

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WTF even is a strawberry donut?

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I just like regular glazed donuts, but sometimes I like a custard filled straight.

I never really like the custard ones. It’s a shitty complaint but they’re way too packed with shit. I like a nice middle ground and the filled donut centers are awful for that

Bombolini are superior at that point

@mafiabot sign

@mafiabot slist