9:12:GAME:DAY 3

I'd rather sort it out here than have a blank slate signup thread.

Thats weird. Youre weird

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I agree. Make a suggestion then.

Run the jdance coronavirus game

The people miss coronavirus

10 players, you're getting really optimistic.

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Can try to run it with 8 or 9 if everyone is fine with that setup.

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do the setup you want to do

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The best mafia setups are the ones with host passion and creative vision, not designed by signup thread committee.


I forgot that the COVID setup was 3 faction cultist. I'd prefer not to do that with 9 or less players, but I could adapt it to be 2 faction with a vigi or something. I'll keep messing with ideas but wanted to get the signups started.

I think any Jester variant will basically kill mafia for the site because everybody already acts like Jesters by default in the game

Setups that work here heavily incentivize town-like play because without that everybody's default is to look like mafia

But I encourage you to try it - what's the worst that could happen?

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i get what he's going for. provides some cover for mafia. I would agree that it might be a problem if innos start acting like jesters for no reason (and already do)

it also solves the issue you messaged me, which is that nights can be pretty cancerous to a setup

as always, i will also mention: if you have a problem with the setup and aren't putting forth any ideas for improving the setup or a different, better one, YOU are part of the problem and should consider lynching yourself (ingame)

■■■ woke up angrey today

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uh...... well if you dont like the food served to you um then...... why dont YOU Try cooking?????? idiot!!!

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Yeah if you tell a chef the food is bad but everyone else likes it and you don’t know how to articulate why it’s bad, you’re just being a ninny!

If anybody's a ninny here it's you.

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"b-b-but my parents told me my cooking is awesome!"

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You're the one making passive aggressive remarks when everyone except your discord friends SCSF and Pasel has expressed discontent. You failed rolling the roles, you failed keeping user identity integrity, and you failed at making an interesting and novel setup.

Your mafia games are fast food, slop, Burger King quality (not even McDonalds!).

I liked the last mafia game and think ■■■ ran it well.

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