A Christmas Carol [DAY 4] [END]

@mafiabot vote @insom

Happy holidays!
Leave insom alone.
You guys always vote him.

i compulsively edit ALL my posts to fix spelling and grammar mistakes

Same, but I never do this in mafia games.

i dont even remember making those posts, much less the existence of this thread

i've just stumbled upon it now, like a pleasant surprise

see I just wrote that backwards and fucked up the expression, but now it wi;ll ALWAYS BE RUINED. ALWAYS BE RUINED. ALWAYS BE RUI- okay im good lets play

I am a ghost of christmas (irrelevant)

From what ive read in this thread:

@mafiabot vote @Matticus

Ghosts shouldn't claim until they get a good result.

@mafiabot vote @big_ass

okay i am done with my late west coast christmas dinner but there's not a lot to analyze here

i've got my eye on @big_ass and @LuckyArtist

Ate another chunk of my Christmas Stouffers lasagna and garlic toast.
I am sussing anyone that didn't post yet.

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Claiming ghost will get them nightkilled.

Well fuck.
I didn't read the rules.
Ghosts can beat town, and mafia have no night kill.
I have to rethink this whole setup.

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One of them must be lying.

Or both of them are lying

oh well that makes things easy then

@mafiabot vote @big_ass

Anyone not voting on insom is not on my team and is therefore a top target for me

Get with the program, Whos

Who's on your team?