Amount of tries to reach 2 1d20 20 rolls

On any creature that can exist for infinity and comprehend all this, that is

Simulations exist to subvert the heat death of the universe. We are simply giving ourselves something to do because we cannot possibly stop it. Physics broke everything down to it’s smallest parts and the unfortunate answer is that we cannot solve heat death. Therefore we created a universe inside our universe that is experienced by us as a lifetime but in the reality one rung up the ladder it’s a clock cycle. The best we can do is figure how many more clock cycles we will exist for until nothingness. It’s all quite sad.

U should post that with a better word instead of sad

Imagine a world where we have figured out everything and there’s nothing left to solve except for the unsolvable puzzle of heat death. Those modern beings realized the answer is never to come and instead decided to figure out the best way to experience their remaining time, which they do by placing themselves in simulations that seem to them to last a lifetime. They do this over and over. They’re just trying to live before they could not possibly.

No it doesn’t.

But you at least understand what I’m getting at.

No, I really don’t. The things I post hold for Fields of much larger cardinality than the naturals

I’m telling you instead of searching for answers, you should search for happiness, because once we have every answer we will only have reality to face - we will all die, and there is no answer to that.

You’re conception that we can ever have all the answers is wrong. Math builds upon itself: the more you solve the more open problems there are

There are certainly unsolvable problems.

Problems that we can only subvert by altering our perception.

But not solve

Ya thinking about it too much ruins ur life and deprives personal meaning though

Once garbage collection gets called it’s all over anyway. Any references to you become more and more untrustworthy by the clock cycle. Soon your memory won’t even be recognizable.

Doesn’t mean u can’t live for ur own cycle…means that’s the only thing ur capable of fk the other stuff

Same with physics. We can never have a model that is exact. Only approximations. We will continue to build newer and better models and have new problems. I’m not talking about unsolvable problems, but the notion that, for every problem we solve, two new ones appear

Theres guys who spend their entire life driving a truck y would u try to find any more meaning for u than him there is none it’s never objective stay personal…

It’s all just a big thing

Like my dick (objectively)

Nellie died