Are tribunals dead?

The first reply was right. LBJ is not some "OG NADota legend" who gets to claim this status to police people's behavior and bully people on the website. He asked for it and he was checked.

If you start a thread trying to talk down to people you will get some insults back and don't get to cry to the mods about that. Especially if you are one of the mods

Like I said, he basically told Dan to make him mod or he's not posting anymore and Epok caved. It's not that complicated, you're dealing with direct affirmative action here.

Well, that doesn't seem like affirmative action. But I agree ■■■ made him a moderator to keep him on the site, just like with all his other failed attempts at moderatorship

Should we count how many of these people ■■■ has managed to keep on the site by making them moderator?

I am sorry to say it doesn't seem like this strategy is working.

Yeah if you guys could stay on topic and talk about tribunals instead of posting about op that’d be great

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Fuck I forgot to swap to my alt

Even making Osiris an admin couldn't keep him on the website

Nyte flagging every funny post in this thread for "Inappropriate" - feel free to harass her for this.

Exit the Longhouse - Break the Conditioning