Bazinga Mafia - Day 1 - 3

@mafiabot kill @faz

Fuck you

Jk i love you

Glad I won this game d1 and Kyle was ??? enough to use faz’s reaction to me calling them all fucking out against me.

is this game over?

who was mafia

you were silly goose

faz, ian, and murs

where r u getting this information

the posts in this thread

Bazingaboy d3 mafia win

Faz died they were: Mafia goon
Jenanda died they were Vanilla town

Remaining players:


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Kyle was the d1 lynch pick and we forgot to change it. Lol

yes mafia has day kill so game is over

they just get to choose who they murder. if they hadnt roleblocked iaafr town could have won

I choose to shoot epok

wow nice shot


anyway i will probably change they day kil to night kill so that doctors have a higher chance of blocking it and also so days dont end awkwardly like this

game seems balanced though since even with like 3 zeuses on town, town almost had a chance

Thanks for the host bazingaboy

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Was roragok vigi


What a roller coaster of a game.