Bear in the Woods! (Day 3 / Finale)

So you're saying bazinga threw on purpose do deny nma a win?

Very sus.

me or nma it doesn't matter

goodluck kkat

1 = osiris
2 = nma

@mafiabot roll 1d2

LOL just kidding.

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@mafiabot vote @Osiris


KrazyKat has dropped the hammer on Osiris

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
osiris 2 The_Mafia_Mobster_and_the_Vanilla_Town, KrazyKat
the_mafia_mobster_and_the_vanilla_town 1 Osiris

Not Voting

Alive Players - 3

Majority Vote - 2


@Osiris has died. He was the Werewolf Pack Alpha.

The camp has been overrun by bears. @KrazyKat, an Unhappy Camper, escapes into the woods. He may or may not find his way home.

Big Brown Bear victory. @Vanilla_Town wins.

Game end. Anyone may post.

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Please color my role with the appropriate Brown color.


goddamnit the lover thing was a joke

Good game to Epok, Insom, and KrazyKat. Respectable performance.

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Roles and Game Explainer

Role Player Explainer
Big Brown Bear @Vanilla_Town SK that kills "slowest" (low-posting) members of town each day. Obviously I couldn't share this mechanic openly or people would just spam. But this was the main idea of the game - what if we created a game full of high-activity players by using NKs to prune the low-activity players. Yes this is why I wanted LuckyFartist in the game - but he did not fall for my trap.
Werewolves @Osiris, @AnonFatTony Conversion-based scum faction. If Bear died they would have a normal NK and it becomes just a normal game. Bazinga was N0 convert, they didn't get another conversion because it would've unbalanced the game further.
Tracker @_jdance Watcher
Sheriff @Agubar Jailer
Unhappy Camper @SOPHIE, @insom, @KrazyKat, @ian VT
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thanks for ruining the game btw dungeon master


Game Notes

The game really could've gone either way, including town win. Both scum factions seemed to assume they were the only scum faction (this is why Bazinga shot himself, he thought he was giving town a chance to win F3).

■■■ was mad NMA "griefed" him but NMA was actually playing to his role. NMA played probably the best SK we have had on the site - he was driving town and you guys just went along with it. Well-deserved win. Maybe the only SK win we've had here.

Roleplaying: I find it annoying as a player when people are posting like "Arr Im a pirate" type posts in the thread, especially if that's their only post over 24h. But I personally like this type of gameplay where players can interact with the game setting a little bit. "Flavor" as a host tends to be this huge block of text which no-one reads. It's a nice little reward for a player when they actually read it, think of some creative way to interact with it, and something actually happens in the game. I had more of this type of thing planned out (for example, you could've interacted with the Graveyard and it might've had impact on the game. And you were supposed to leave the initial campsite so the bear wouldn't come back!) but the game got crazy before much of that could happen. Anyways I really appreciated you guys noodling for catfish, digging for treasure on the shore, and special thanks to @_jdance for exploring the environment which added a lot of context for other players.

Zeusing/Rulebreaking: We've all played mafia on this site for like 5 years at this point, we know the basic rules.

  1. Don't post in the game if you're not part of the game
  2. Don't post when you're dead
  3. Don't post at night

This is especially important in my games (/closed setups) because there might actually be a role that can, for example, post at night - or I might have plans to bring a player into the game who wasn't initially part of the game (this was a real possibility for this game because of the scum conversion mechanic - it would still be balanced.)

So yes, I'm going to zeus for that. Pretty basic thing and it does have impact on the game (creates reads). If you have a question like jdance's situation you can always PM the host.

I find it interesting that the 3 people who had basic rule-following issues this game are all moderators. Almost like what I've been saying was true - for roughly half of people, becoming a moderator negatively impacts their personality and they become obnoxious.

I personally think this is obnoxious and not a good role model for the community (which should be a basic prerequisite of a moderator):

I also think it's fairly shameful for Ian to be berating the host in the graveyard after he got zeused for something he obviously should be zeused for (commenting on the lynch after night had clearly started). He doesn't even have the excuse that I "unlocked" the thread, because, once again, he's a moderator and can post in locked threads. Great model for the community

In Conclusion

Thanks all for playing. You played a fun day 1 and it got pretty crazy at EOD. The game did end fast but I think some members of town played sub-optimally. Either way, I had a good time and wish you all luck in the next one.


nice pretty looking recap you got there host

still not signing your games in the future

ian deserved to be zeusd

i did NOT

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i am sorry i didnt have the foresight in that you might have been the first person in the history of mafia to allow someone to post in a locked thread

i am going to type the n word with a space so the whole word shows up on your screen

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