Mental illness is a concept devised by pharmaceutical companies to sell class-a drugs to children. I'm strong of spirit, that is all.
Everything you type is concepts devised by yourself to rationalize having a weak spirit, that is all.
I'm not worried about the opinions of spectators. In my personal life I have zero ego, but have garnered the envy of everyone around me. Spirit seeps through the social rules and gimmicks.
I'll be busy later today so can't read the thread, but I'm back either tomorrow or monday to read it then
Thanks, next few days, has the potential to ruin my life if the wrong person reads it.
No its immutable
Indestructible doesnt even make sense dude.
This is like dissolving
You know it’s troubling when the jdance posts are the most coherent
■■■ liked your posts checkmate
Our understanding of the past is constantly changing and perception is reality
Every time you recall an old memory you’re slightly changing it. Isn’t that sad? Even if the times were immutable, there’s no way to hold on forever.
The write word is indesugdictable
Confessiion: opening with my ex and im barely keeping it together. My hands are shaky
I think she took this shift intentionally? Why are women like this
The girl who accused me of sexual assault also texted me this a few days ago:
I wish people would just leave me alone
so it IS destructible