Canada is fucked lol

somebody played the space jam song about 20 minutes ago within earshot of reuters kyiv camera

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play sandstorm next

  1. ukraine or russian harm is beneficial to teh Pole
  2. you have a disability and I'm proud of you



as opposed to the government blocking your life for 2 years over a virus that is complete bullshit.

Funny BLM and Antifa get to destroy property for weeks and they get the praise of the media, but the second you stand up against the "Two weeks to slow the spread, 2 years to grow the BREAD!"

Walmart is safe but your small business is not.



90% of people are not vaccinated lmao

if 90% of the people in canada were vaccinated they would certainly have no reason to continue the mandates. I believe Canada is more likely in line with ...40% vaccination and the rest have lied.

The true face of Tyranny.

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Having a Lincoln avatar while saying that is chef's kiss irony

oh no muh freeeeedooooom

mask takes away my freeeeeom ;(

virus isnt reel, do your own research!!!!!

blocking hundreds of millions of dollars worth of trade is more than a protest

if it was only a protest nobody would do anything or care

how fucking dumb are you

do you think the vaccine statistics are just them randomly asking people?

it comes from the vaccine sites where once you get it you get a qr code tied to your social insurance number, you can’t fake it

the people giving out the vaccines are the ones providing that statistic, and if their goal was perma mandates why would they lie and say its 90%

fuck you are so dumb it makes me angry

fucking oxygen thief


90% vaxxination and its still spreading? nice science


tanking the notification for insom to delay his continued chagrin by at least three minutes

just double checked the dictionary definition of chagrin and it has a connotation that i never thought it had, at least according to the first google result

thought it was just general irritation without anything more

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You probably have quite a few opinions about whats going on in the news cycle right now, but it's important to remember one thing: You're wrong.

To start, you're completely missing the point and everything you think is actually at odds with reality when you look at the data. In fact, you're nowhere close to being accurate. It's simple to understand when you stop for a second and actually look at the issues.

Once you open your eyes, you'll see that you're wrong about each and every one of them. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

"But what about this other thing I heard?" No.

If the past is any indication of the future, not only is there no chance that you'll ever be right, all science suggests that you'll never even be close once in your lifetime. The only way you'll ever be right, is to repeat everything I say, word for word, to every single person you know. Until then, you're wrong.