Nah cocaine clogging my nose
your brani needs more oxygen bro
I don't get less oxygen breathing through mouth. Just don't cool down my brain going through nose
Guess in only %80 alive then
All the same spot. He keeps changing them
in canada they have ukrainian nazis opening up "victims of communism" memorials too
if anyone's gonna be doing any treading around here it's gonna be me
dixie highway is riddled with this garbage saw a lot on the way back from the ren fest
Ren fest huh
yea huh. i got a turkey leg and some glass and some stuff
I got a turkey leg at renfest LA it probably wasn't as good though
One of the glassblowers was giving a live show and a woman asked him how he keeps his skin so nice and he said he hasn't washed himself in 20 years because if you keep peeling the bark off a tree the tree will die
Clean it for once
/NA = lady boys