Cant wait till i get my unvaccinated band from the goverment

Also businesses over 100 people are required to collect proof of vaccination

yeah thats why we need a mandate, because people just lie or create fake cards.

But if you’re vaccinated who cares, you’re protected

if the virus is still running wild it can further mutate as it passes through way way more people.

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youre right i'll probably be fine, shame i give even half a shit about others.

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Also my card is real in the sense it is a legitimate cdc card and I’m in the state database for vaccines as any doctor will add you to it if you show them your card, so I’m essentially vaccinated :jacobkek2:

why would it matter where information comes from if it’s correct?

you keep saying “you must have got that from the DNC or liberal youtubers” like even if that was true why would it matter. something is either correct or it’s not it doesn’t matter where it comes from

every time you can’t think of a good response you just deflect with silly shit like that

It “runs wild” among vaccinated individuals at a rate higher than those who caught it in the past. A vaccine that is not fully effective at stopping transmission will not be able to stop mutations either.

“the DNC says eating your own shit is a bad idea so I started eating my own shit to own the libs”

Bro im just skeptical, thats why instead of listening to doctors im downing apple flavored anti-parasitical.

The strategy that public health officials and the dnc have decided to go with regarding this pandemic is what I disagree with. There is more nuance to this

this comparison literally doesn’t matter holy shit

why do you think this is some type of point


So do you think people who caught covid already should be mandated to receive the vaccine?

I honestly hope you die

Only because its hard to prove, and theres no downside to getting the vaccine and natural immunity.

If you had a test result showing you were covid positive in the past would that be proof enough

We all will, its the fate of every living creature bud.

a better question would be why do you think they shouldn’t

Waste of time, resources, and basically useless
