Cant wait till i get my unvaccinated band from the goverment

yns doesn't know how percentages work but he thinks he knows more than scientists

why is it always that they're just dumb

yns is a very insecure person and I’m sure his entire attitude towards COVID stems from that

haha I am very not scared unlike all many pussies! flex also big smart, very big smart interpret numbers. confidently misuses statistics


He's not projecting. You are insecure 🥲

Uh huh

Literal fat boy who spent his entire teenage years binging his adhd medication to play Poe for 30 hours calling me insecure

That doesn't have anything to do with being insecure

yns a real man

If u can’t tie together insecurity with being a pathetic human being during your formative years then ur willfully ignorant

Some serious deflection. There are many insecure people. Fascinating concept.

No u


You can tell their minds go a mile a minute

Ian's trying to have sex with nyte again

wow you’re sure sounding kinda insecure ngl

Why are you still trying to bully each other pass puberty years?

At what point do you want to start help each other grow and get better without trying to put each other down?


Jk you are all fucking losers



Can confirm that ever since I was vaccinated I haven't menstruated even once.


Ur literally a depressed loser

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