Chinese girls ONLY chinese mans #CheerMeUpIn5WordsOrLess

Very likely but I’m unsure



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Just bought alcohol for kids

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Profited $20 so I don’t feel bad about it

I’m on the grind.

white piggu

i love your videos .being a cop is hard enough. comeing home to relax and listing to your videos are nice and relaxing. thanks

The lozenge is a very useful and practical shape for three dimensional queries and it shouldn’t be ignored any longer.

I’d just like to thank my haters

ID like to thank your mom for putting out

Don’t read neiromancrr

BN deficate jail not steals pencil educate innocent childrens future progress #CheerMeUpIn11Words


Me too I’m glad and happy to be alive

idiot woman who consistently ditches me and our mutual friends and all get togethers and parties for like 2 years has the nerve to come crying to me when her “best friend” “never has time” for her anymore

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just baffling how people can be so unaware

You’re a school shooter

im not but i wish i was

Fucking women

Why doesn’t jones have time for me anymore

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hes playing mahjong and you’re probably overly demanding