Chud and Chud-Adjacent Topics

be jones

not blaming all your problems on something racism adjacent competition: difficulty impossible

oh and my mom's side is almost pure english and includes officers from WW1 and the Victorian era Royal Navy

i'm literally the most racially pure white person here. and I hate you.


holy chud

Aliens built that castle, actually.

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truechud irish king v.s. fakechud fakecel "welsh peasant"


Irish royalty

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Dude is trying to pass this off as a "15th century castle". Is that a parking lot in the West? Nice.

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cope and seethe and cry and shit and piss your pants, impure blood.

it's preserved by local govt. as a heritage site, so yeah.

They didn't have cars in the 1400s. Your lies have been found out.


Build one of these if you’re so hot

That quote also applies to Spitwad.
When he killed Nadota, he also killed the last archive of the forum from Dotaallstars.




cant be that easy

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It aint 50% if you consider the odds from the beginning. Had a 2/3 chance to pick a box with a gold ball and then a 1/2 chance to pick a second one. I don't know how to calculate that properly because math is lame.

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All you need to do is use Bayes' Theorem and some basic fraction arithmetic to account for that. You can do it, I believe in you.

The situation is based off of you getting one gold ball from a box