CONCLUDED -- NADEAD MINECRAFT - FINAL SERVER - Hardcore, Small World, 1 life only

My favorite show -- watching Alightsoul fail to understand season 1 of True Detective.

My favorite show -- Cohle.


Gotta go - hanging out with a girl - have to close this tab in my browser

They should make a True Detective S1 ballet.

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Congratulations! is available!


put up the teamspeak!

Rick and Morty
Rust and Marty

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Rust Cohle: I've been looking into the nature of existence, Morty. It's all one long nightmare, the history of human consciousness.

Morty: Uh, okay, Rust. That's a bit heavy for me, man. I'm just a kid.

Rust Cohle: You're a smart kid, Morty. Ever think about how time is a flat circle? Everything we've ever done or will do, we're gonna do over and over and over again.

Morty: Uh, no, not really. I usually just think about school, video games, and trying not to get killed by my... uh, your crazy adventures.

Rust Cohle: See, that's the thing, Morty. Life's a journey through darkness, and all you've got is a tiny flashlight. You're just trying to make sense of it all, but in the end, it's all just... darkness.

Morty: Wow, Rust, that's like, super depressing. I mean, I have my own problems, but I don't think about it like that.

Rust Cohle: It's not about being depressing, Morty. It's about facing the truth, no matter how hard it is to swallow.

Morty: Well, maybe that's your truth, Rust. But I'd like to think there's more to life than just darkness. I mean, I've seen some pretty crazy stuff with you, but there's still good things, right? Like, I don't know, ice cream and stuff.

Rust Cohle: (smirks) Maybe you're right, Morty. Maybe there's still some light left in this world. But remember, it's a thin line between the light and the darkness.

Morty: Yeah, I guess you're right, Rust. I'll try to remember that. But can we talk about something less heavy now? Like, do you like Space Morty or Regular Morty better?

Rust Cohle: (chuckles) It doesn't matter, Morty. In the end, we're all just trying to find our way through the darkness.

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Rust Cohle: You see, Morty, using a toilet is a simple yet essential part of human existence. It's a way to cleanse ourselves of waste and impurities, both physical and metaphorical.

Morty: Uh, okay, Rust. I think I know how to use a toilet.

Rust Cohle: But do you really, Morty? Do you understand the significance of the act? The way it connects us to the cycle of life and death?

Morty: Uh, not really, no.

Rust Cohle: You see, Morty, it's all about the process. First, you must approach the toilet with reverence and respect. It's a sacred space, a place of transformation.

Morty: Uh-huh.

Rust Cohle: Then, you must lower yourself onto the seat, allowing your body to relax and release its burdens. It's a moment of vulnerability, Morty, but also one of strength.

Morty: Okay, yeah, I get that.

Rust Cohle: And finally, you must wipe yourself clean, removing any trace of what was once inside you. It's a symbolic act, Morty, a way of letting go of the past and embracing the present.

Morty: Uh, thanks for the advice, Rust. I'll try to remember that next time I go to the bathroom.

Rust Cohle: (smirks) Good, Morty. Because using a toilet is more than just a physical act. It's a reminder of our place in the universe, and the endless cycle of life and death that we're all a part of.

Good minecraft discussion guys

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Is this from ChatGPT

I might play again. Not sure.
Injured and starving on a server like this is not what I consider fun.

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That's life kooky kat. You need to fight your way out nothing is handed to you

That said if you can convince dotakyle to play he will probably have free iron armor and food to give everyone in like 2 hours

Im back now girls at home

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Link that kid this video FUCK