CulturedUrbanite VideoGame Selects.

Because of a song you used or what

because of the elevator level

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Its fine your flower looks different

If anything happens it’s good publicity. We can only dream of a Nintendo dmca

In America it wouldn’t hold any weight is not in the credits.

Why would it be

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Maybe you should send NL a follow up email letting him know we exist. Viral marketing is the wave


ok ive never seen him before but he's pretty entertaining

You would like him

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@Vanilla_Town Looks like you got a boost.

This guy played the game for 3 hours straight

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He makes $500k a year from Twitch alone. I'm not going to do the math, but it's likely something insane like $750/hr.

I wouldn't play nmaGane's shameless plagiarism project slop, but I can't particularly blame someone for playing it if they're being paid $750/hr.

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The "slop" you are talking about is the only profitable thing to ever come out of this website.

We should rebuild the entire website with its focus pivoted to Fishlike.

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mfw Zachtronics plagiarizes solitaire games while only slightly changing them. noooo it's slop

Plagiarism is made up western white people bullshit shut up shut up shut up

use this site instead, a lot more accurate and informative