CulturedUrbanite VideoGame Selects.

You also come naturally to gay men hahahaha


what was the roman medicinal treatment for anal prolapse: if everyone was a ■■■ in Ancient Rome, the ass reconstruction doctors should have been in high demand.

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How come I can't naturally understand that

that's an anti-white post

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you're a human being. i doubt he's serious most people have trouble hurting others let alone raping them

that's an anti-autism post

Well I'm on the side of torturing slaves/prisoners, not raping them.


the rape is just a form of torture obviously

So it's in the White race's nature to torture through Gay Means?

It doesn't include torturing yourself, unless you like it (are homosexual).

i can't feel sexual pleasure so I don't think it means the same thing to me as it does for you

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masochism and sadism are not exclusive to homosexuality. are you a sadist or do you think torturing people makes them more productive?

I don't concern myself with the productivity of my Prisoners of War.

so you would just torture them to mentally damage your jailers and make future enemies less likely to surrender?

that is obviously the game theoretic version to not torture people for evenly matched opponents

calculus completely changes with uneven balances of strength

That's a speculative argument.

what's speculative about it? torturing people having possible damaging effects on the torturers (especially when it's not a communal torturing) or people being less willing to surrender if they know they are to be tortured and treated inhumanely

that is way too simplistic.