CulturedUrbanite VideoGame Selects.

Given that F# exists I imagine C# has first class function support; it can be done with some like object oriented injection?? (lol).

The wikipedia page says it supports first class functions so we're clear there.

None of them. I think it should look like bejeweled 3 and your health should be a thin bar at the top, the enemy should be a red bar at the bottom, and there should be stdout that tells you what happened.


I think the monsters SHOULD be on the board and there should be no "battle scene". You should be dropping certain color blocks on their head or making match3s with their colors.


How about this?

I would love if I could figure out how to make this work, but I genuinely feel like this might make "combat" a bit shallow, unless designed by a complete genius.


The depth in the combat is 1-hit kill from monsters and having multiple different AI to move them about. Each monster performs a swap each iteration; you'll get compounding affects from the dumb/smart shit they'll do.

The board should feel like it has some depth: be in the foreground. Place whatever malaysian art Chris buys in the background and have it shake or something.

The #1 issue with expanding board size from 7x7 to 10x10; you need twice as many tile types.

unfortunately theres only like 3 colors lol

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how the fuck did bejeweled make 7 tile tpyes when thteres only like 3 colors and 2 shapes in existence.

Have you tried the game with the "blank tile" hotfix I put in?


it should be 10x10 (or whatever the maximum size is) all the time frankly. The change in "bejewled feel" should be done via the addition/removal of the number of unique tiles. 4-5-6-7 etc.

It's a lot more playable to your liking, I've beaten it with it and it's honestly pretty fun.

I think 5 tiles in a 10x10 board will create 10x combos for every match.
I really need some sort of math on this, and I'm starting to think that I'll have to write a thesis on it myself.

you are literally ■■■■■■■■

the number of neighbors for an arbitrary tile on a 10x10 board is basically hte same as a 5x5 tile

oh my fucking god you're stupid

there is only a difference on the edges dude.