Data Science Blues

I bet there’s an insane market for smart fridges and pantries that know exactly what products are inside them because you then have a dataset that advertisers could barely even dream of

The code is JSON.parse and the 15 minutes is because i keep spelling it wrong and have to go back and re-type it

let’s get this going. Can you code something to scan fridges top to bottom for readable bar codes??

That is going to depend on what you mean by "code" "something"

Here’s a tool that does barcode recognition with sagemaker and costs you 30 cents an hour

Other hot tips: ver. 0.1 and 0 ratings. This means you could be first to market

I think the biggest issue is getting people to place their products in a way that a camera could reliably read a bar code and what you could do to incentivize this. There’s also going to be competition with grocery chains which already offer those discount cards that collect what consumers are purchasing so the market may not be as open as we believe

As trivial as it sounds to implement a pre-written library of tensorflow, you’d be surprised how few people are able to do it, so yea, people do get paid a lot of money to do that, or so I thought. Apparently I need to use the people skills side of my brain which is effectively my polio stunted leg

You could always quit and learn re-fly combos instead. I read in U.S. News it is expected to be the most in demand skill by 2050.

It’s weird, I don’t like grinding documentation and tutorials about different libraries all day, and reading papers to stay on top of what’s new in the field, but I also don’t want to work my current job where I can get bored easily because things in the industry move so slow and nobody seems interested in learning/working on improving skills…

I want to be challenged, but I think this degree is on the far end of the spectrum where it is so challenging that I’m not really learning anything because I’m cramming to survive and I’m most likely going to forget it all since it won’t be reapplied later on.

My current job was sort of like that, I basically found myself being the most technical person in my department with no other people to learn from or bounce ideas on, so I wanted to change positions, but I felt like I’d fallen too far behind to re-enter a competitive field since I was working in a government related area.

All I’ve determined in the 7 years of working at my job is that I don’t like feeling like I’m the smartest person there, but I also don’t like being in a place where I am way underqualified and am only going to be a hinderance/trying to catch up the entire time.

You mean learning? You are going to experience that feeling sometimes whether it's in school or on the job (probably both lbh. It's not like school is actually going to teach you what you need to know). That's the feeling of growth and it's not pleasant. People that say they enjoy it are lying. They enjoy the end result and have learned to delay gratification.

Theres a market for a spyware refrigerators but its probably going to be centered around the idea of having your smart fridge be used as a glorified supermarket display televsion and marketing it as a way to like store and display notes, pics of your kids, help you “automate your grocery needs” etc

Imagine a world where your fridge is able to use geo location to connect to the nearest grocery chain that is paying for targeted advertising and it ties into your shoppers card to advertise specific products to you cleverly disguised as deals

“It’s been 2 weeks since you’ve bought milk, seems like you’re running low, here’s a deal for a gallon of milk at your nearest Trader Joe’s, press this button to go open maps on your iPhone”

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from what i’ve seen the actual “real life applications” of this kind of shit is like 10x easier than the stuff you are expected to do in school. So I agree with the above posters and you should see how much hard math you’re actually expected to do in a real world position before dropping it completely.

A better thread title would be Data Science Buzzword Bingo

Data Scientist more like Dataset Janitor

you’re interested in buzzwords? I could divulge on what I’m thinking about.

Please do; I’ve nearly got 5 in a row

I say this with the utmost sincerity; I’d love to know what’s on your mind, stranger.

you can literally do data analyst work w/o a graduate school wtf