Data Science Blues

so if I graduated college with some degree like math or stats how do I get into CS. I know u can learn it all on ur own but im not sure what to learn first if u know what I mean or how to go about it. Theres so much info and online free courses and shit idk where to start. Any tips boys

Build something and don't get caught in asking too many questions

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Welcome waterdog!

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I know some basic python. I finished the MIT ocw for python but I'm not sure what to do next. Are you saying just pick something to build and keep googling until I figure it out? Should I stick with python?

Yes, you should just do literally anything and not be paralyzed by questions and information overload

The more you just do things the easier it will get to make decisions about what things to do

just enroll in a coding bootcamp

talking to an 11 year old and nmagane about compiler projects in TS

<13:19:10> "Willem": i hope my mom not here

It's good that nmagane can find friends somewhere

He has plenty of friends

codeacademy start with python and then HTML or JS or SQL

totally free, interactive, fun

you could prolly just follow the python thing for a while and start messing with some pkgs or frameworks in it but if you dont know what you want id suggest feelin it out by trying different languages and looking up how theyre used Professionally instead of going for the most $$$.

I already have a decent base with python. Good idea to just keep doing stuff with it and learning how to do stuff conceptually? like algorithms/ etc . I don't really want to go to codingbootcamp and spend 15k cuz im sure all the shits online and u can learn by yourself. I want to get into Cs field so like do I just show employers some recent projects I did and tell them i learned it by myself

Learn c

yeah are u asking if u wanna work with C? cuz u just can theres tons of getting started shit given how old that shit is


think I wanna keep going with python. is that fine?

Yeah better than C and you can do cool web stuff still with Flask

so like in terms of getting employed, what should i look for. sorry if these are autistic questions. I can probably get a decent job rn as a consultant or something but thats really boring for me so I wanna self teach coding.

same I think I could probably consult for questions like this

Fullstack Dev webapp Dev or devops really

I think those kinda endpoints are good if you like self-starting, thats a big thing for employers because they wanna hire guys who are willing to learn a ton on the job and it works well with the field because things change at a decent pace and youll want to pick up new or supplementary skills