it's like a living drama series im addicted to
You are the most promising potential new member. Keep it up.
1 Like
this should worry me
You meet all the requirements:
- No Life
- No Job
- Used to be good at DotA
- Useless College Education
- Well Versed in Psychoanalysis
I will take up jones's spot in the teamspeak and dota stack. I will answer the call.
1 Like
Does this position come with an internet girlfriend?
im 4/5 does that still qualify?
probably 3/5
1 Like
no perms to send text messages
Introducing The New Teamspeak Crew:
Why is that tomato and strawberry so big?
Looking forward to another chill stack
Ranked up again! I keep climbing
1 Like
well played
Keep up the good work
Thank you