Day in the Life of a Dota 2 Pro Gamer

I think there were flags/inbox messages but maybe not everybody sees them, just the first person to receive the notification

I can help with the moderation. Whats your passwor


Either way mods do nothing, if you want something done you have to appeal to the community as a whole. Post in the thread

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mods acting without regard to community appeals is what causes problems in the first place. Even if it's perfectly logical people will object if you didn't run it by them because they want to feel considered. So it shouldn't surprise anyone that things are so laissez faire and that staff generally only acts without this measure when directly affronted as seen here

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Really looking forward to dota today!

So this.... is the impact.... of an ancient 5....

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Ancient? That's the same rank as @KurokyFan_2015



Had a fantastic day of dota yesterday, carrying Jones and Chris is always fun! Looking forward to the next session

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what a disappointment: I let JCrispy play 3 games with me and lo and behold he's posting games here that I just crash out of and never come back to "own" me.

my LOC after two days of posting on this forum/playing DoTA. ZERO

my LOC after a week of doing neither: 2.5k


unhides post

Its a big one!

it's inescapable: nmaGane "guys I feel really bad because we aren't including brendan right now" erstwhile brendan spends 3 hours trying to destroy a dota stack with "Chris lets duo queue overwatch" "nmaGane lets play terraria" and when questioned about this goes "I don't want to play".

I join TS for 5 minutes and it's brendan screaming to nmaGane about how "insecure" he is.


the content of the dota game? nmaGane going 5/22 on "initiating silencer" and then the middle russian huskar taking aegis then out of nowhere, afking in the middle of the dire woods until abandon, securing a loss.

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