every single time i join teamspeak brendan is mid sentence. it's like verbal waterboarding
Honestly listening to nmagane and brendan for more than like 15 minutes at a time is the lowest position one can put themselves through in terms of dignity and self respect
theyre literally the same person. the only miniscule difference might be the fact that brendan might have had sex at some point
yeah they won't shut the fuck up and it's just continuous nmaGane talking like a black woman and brendan just saying wacky stuff
a literal barnyyy tier continual verbal vomit: speaking for speaking's sake: a cacophony of fools
it's hella gay
it's not their fault you guys are hyper sensitive
kill yourself
good one but i know you're capable of much better
brendan and nmagane are talking about videogames in our teamspeak
gg ez i posted a soyjack emoji and strawmanned your position
The following occurs between 6:00 and 7:00
Venus As A Boy playing
B: [Unintelligible] he's fully recovered.
N: How would he recover he was never behind?
B: [Unintelligible] I'm not buying [Unintelligible].
N: Nah, you don't need to buy it as long as you're getting CS. It's one quick courier trip.
B: I'm walking because I want [Unintelligible] [Unintelligible] [Unintelligible].
N: [Unintelligible]
B: It's fine I don't think he cares he's free farm.
N: No I think he does care because now he can't kill him.
B: No it's fine [Unintelligible] to free farm --
N: We will zone him out, we will zone him out.
N: We have to go jungle now, it's not even -
N: You zap him, I zap him [Unintelligible].
B: I'm about to way [Unintelligible] strategy.
N: We have infinite mana regen.
B: [Unintelligible].
N: We have bassy. We have bassy.
B: [Unintelligible].
There is nothing wrong with passionate discussions on cool, funny items in terraria
It's unintelligble because you turn the volume way down on your teamspeak in favor of "Venus Was a Boy"
My favourite part about teamspeak these days is Nmagane yelling "I have you blocked" while i can hear myself through his speakers for two months straight
Nmagane is less of a fa got than brendan just because of the fact that he shows his face