Deepthroat? Is He Gay or Something?

World Word II, specifically Pearl Harbor, is canon with the cars universe, so presumably Hitler with all his persecuted groups of cars is as well.

I’m trying to develop my thesis on whether or not 9/11 happened in the cars universe, but I’m not yet convinced either way.

Date went great

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i need someone 2 take me on a date


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@SOPHIE @roragok this summarize the thread button is fucking awesome.

I smashed tonight. That’s the only summary you need

I just had sex about 2 hours ago

girlfriend came over in the morning today because she has a year end party for work. she left and Im so bored now

The girl I went with tonight was fucking nuts. May have to ask her out again

went out with my rich Chinese friend and his girlfriend we had Chinese bbq it was pretty good he’s a cool guy and his girlfriend is cool too I feel bad because I want to fuck his girlfriend and one time she like awkwardly complemented how good I looked in a shirt in front of him and I felt weird but I don’t think I’ll try and fuck his girlfriend he drives a Porsche which i would rather get rides in then fuck his gf

Wait until they get married then fuck her so you still get rides in the Porsche

definitely gay or something

In a very similar situation but no one is Chinese.


men owe it to men to respect relationships.

if you cant trust your girl not to fuck another dude, you can always trust your bro not to fuck your girl. Thats real.

ctully, nothing i scre

This is why white people are developing microchips and brown people are drinking sewage water right now

No white person is this naive