Denizens of - What is your IQ?


Yes - there’s no other Sense for that word

Not Muhammad’s God or isis who revivified thebgenital members of Osiris and birthed his child

Sounds exactly like a hotline miami song - I think it’s actually made by the same guy.

Isis and Osiris were not gods but aliens - most ancient egyptian 'deities" were.

The programer entity which runs this simulation in a box ; the goal of humanity is to create one of those things a d ryn our own little world

Nephilim actually, furriest

I am.nephillim didn’t you know?

Look up ancient egypt advanced technology.


Well you can choose to stay ignorant then - there’s a reason I scored higher than you on the IQ test.

? We scored the same you dope

You’ve been trolled.

No I havebt

Birch fuck u nigga lmao

Тим сумка я

I got Bible study in 6 hours should try to sleep

I’m writing s treatise on transhumanist simulation religion for my zine
Will be next to an I’m of MZ’s graded encryption scheme for single input branching progrd

That and z4 constrain solving

Ok good bless