So the setup was flawed, it was optimal to betray every single day. In order to make it not so I think betray/betray should have been -1/-1.
On the first day I had submitted the action betray but due to my other chat messages in the channel the host thought I was allying. I just went with it and chose ally the next day. But I think if not for that host error I would've won on day 2 because matty was choosing coordinate.
He left out his own messages. Why don't you open the chat up to the public instead of hiding behind closed doors?
And yes, it was optimal because in your setup you don't have enough players to establish patterns/consequences for betrayal in the dilemma - plus it was not balanced well (as I mentioned - if punishment for betrayal is -1, you can't betray forever because you will die. In this setup you MUST betray forever at some point - basically matty played wrong at the end - or you are giving up the win to some betraying imbecile. Look at the final day with me and jones - if I ally, I hand him the win. So I must betray, if matty knows jcrispy will betray he must betray, the game goes forever with betray/betray +0 +0. Not to mention the game would be a lot more fun if we had this betray/betray phase where everybody lost points and players had to actually have some discussion to avert it and go back to allying.)
For the record I was typing something nice in the chat at the time about how I can understand my private message was confusing, no worries, let's roll with it (despite the guy griefing his own game + he could easily correct it as I caught it right at the time of his post) but the guy booted me from the chat channel as I was typing it. This guy is too unhinged to have normal human interactions with people - as evidenced above where he can't take the simple feedback that betray / betray needs to be -1/-1 without turning it into some dick-waving insult contest.