Donner Party Day 1 - Take 2

take that back

You are an undeniably boring poster

Public profiles aren't necessary. No posts about whether someone has their public profile on or off are allowed.

Whether someone is online or reading the thread or typing a post is meta-information that should not be used to make reads. Everyone should turn their public profile off.

If you want to iso, go to search, click "Search this thread" type @{their name} and sort by latest post. Start from the bottom and go up.

fuck you

In your head do you actually post funny things?

Woops I meant to quote sdad

Like you're a good poster but you're definitely not fun dude

wait I have less likes than Jdance with more posts

guess I really am boring

Going to unlike that post soon. Enjoy it while you have it



well you’re probably not wrong tbh


reminder to use vote and not lynch terminology in this game to facilitate smooth race relations

@mafiabot vote epok

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
ian 1 jdance
jdance 1 ian
epok 1 bazingaboy

Not Voting

LuckyArtist, faZ, insom, KrazyKat, iaafr, SCSF, Nyte, sdadasdas, epok,

Alive Players - 12

Majority Vote - 7


@mafiabot vote @ian

Good call