Even odd killers game

You just don't get it.

it just simply eludes me

it's too big brained, really

i'm a woman

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its almost like you hate everyone

It's more complicated than that.

Not true. I don't hate my friends.

and many others.

its almost like this place is terminally-online-people's way of creating a fight club

it's very deep and meaningful and complicated. absolutely

That has nothing to do with my deep relationship with Toprak even if it were true.


Calling us Fight club is honestly quite sexist.

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yeah, because that's how sexism works

Is it not? Fight club is some perverted fantasy that you applied to us when the only thing in common is that we're males.

perverted fantasy?
whose, exactly

It's obviously a homosexual fantasy story.


learn something new everyday

It's all in the cards.

I don't want any trouble, ya hear?

I don't want no trouble, ya'll hear?

You don't have to roleplay a character - common mafia misconception.


Lookkie here slim, I don't want no trouble, not a lick of it, none, ya hear me?