What do they use in place?
fuck off
handles dude
he's gonna like that one
Far from a casual game!
I have no idea what I'm looking at.
im gonna try it ill report back
Can we rank where these stand against "Jones and Jewels"
Actually good. Freeform active tower defense with bejeweled game to enable your attacks. Matching the correct die to enable your attacks and using the appropriate weapon (different aoes, cooldowns, damage) is solid foundation for decision making on top of the bejeweled aspects. Enemies attacking your different items and attributes instead of just hp lets you prioritize what you want to protect and variety of enemy types makes you adapt. Only complaint is the game feels a bit dated with the ui for your attacks being small and easy to misclick
free demo during nextfest
sounds better than my game
i finally have a good game going as a vassalized scholarium to the empire with the strongest fleet. im their bitch but they give a ton of resources while i just play super tall. dunno how much the tech will help but it's by far the longest i've made it without being in an impossible situation
nice dude playing tall is my fav way to play