Gamers Thread

oh yeah i see it

ok im just gonna stay on furiten

if i draw a four or seven tenthousand i win glgl

wait what i didnt win

did i fucking fail to press tsumo

You need tpo remove furiten


You seem to know what you’re doing. Good game

this is that yellowskin advantage


VERY good game.

I’m also “Yellow skinned” - didn’t have an advantage.

Well you got second


I’m always ready to play - play all night forever.

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my strategy doesnt go deeper than “try to avoid discarding things that are close to complete sets”

pretty sure i just got rly lucky

I’m just trying to go for cool yaku mostly - got really close so many times but just never got there.

Everyone seems to discard winds and dragons whenever they can

Well when there’s 2 already down theyre almost dead cards really.

they have less ways to be in a winning hand and the metagame where theyre the safest things to discard means they tend to get discarded early in a round when you aren’t holding a pair waiting for a pon, so holding a pair waiting for a pon later on while you see 1 discarded is waiting for the very last piece that’s probably not in anybody’s hands, and if you see 2 discarded, then they’re dead short of using them as your pair