Gamers Thread

look at this fella, imagine how thick and pulsating his veins must be to support those calves

is this an equestrian reference

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i was there if u mean the ones from a year ago

he got about halfway thru my interview before being too drunk to continue

yea, he tried to get me to play overwatch when i went on a second time...


he truly needs god if he still plays that weeb shit

Nothing wrong with weeb stuff

wrong abd bad opinion

its the hypocrisy

theodore should stream darkwood again for halloween. he knows where the axe is now so it'll shave 30 minutes off the start

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@kat what's your favorite spooky game

A post was merged into an existing topic: The J Thread

the sound design in this game is simply incredible

If you continue your shenanigans i will be quitting the forum

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never again

i know what you're doing with this post.

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do not play my fiddle

you are pathetic