Gamers Thread

Any Proof?

Thereā€™s so many Jdance associates on the site now. We should have a Goyclub vs Jdanceā€™s Friends showdown.

jdance decided not only to try to rustle me
he bragged about less than $20
i had to gun him down

Jdance rules

i will not be disrespected by someone who cannot do basic algebra

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I can do basic algebra itā€™s the quadratic formula that really fucks my shit up

a bad boy goes to a radical party, but because hes square, he misses out on 4 awesome chicks, and the party is all over at 2 am
(-bĀ± ((b^2)-4ac)^1/2)/2a

this mnemonic is dumb because a bad boy is unlikely to be square

This is the gayest post Iā€™ve ever been witness to

What do the Bā€™s mean?

ax^2 +bx+c=0 is the general quadratic form


b is just the second constant in the equation

x^2+5x+3 a would be 1 5 would be b and 3 would be c

look i learned this shit in the third grade it stuck with me since so it must work

For what possible application in the pizza delivery business does this matter? The only constants we need here are great pizzas, every time.

i thinkj u just memorized the equation because i dont have to think about bad boys to bust it out

very doable without bad boys

you can use the quadratic equation to find the minimums and maximums of a graph that results in you finding the breaking point of how many pizza delivery drivers and ovens to have
also ur a dumb btich stfu retard

Really nothing special. Iā€™m totally not bragging that I know basic algebra and Matt doesnā€™t