Gamers Thread

new vegas easily has the quickest character creation sequences out of any bethesda game passed morrowind

i tried playing a bethesda game and it kept breaking. i found out later that everything needs to be at or below 60fps. what kind of a gamer would play at that weak framerate?

Christian theologist denies the gospels!

If you didnt know already jesus was a straight man (he dealt with whores many times - recorded).

This Christian theologist says otherwise…

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isnt history fun

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According to Paul plently early christian apostles were fornicating homos but he made sure they were dealt with

@LuckyArtist as the thread creator I’m requesting any posts calling jesus gay, discussing jesus gayness are permanently deleted from my thread and the users banned

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jesus chugged mad hog get over it

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your absolutely getting banned

just wait until lbj shows up

respect the thread creators guys its not that hard

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just got permabanned on the league turkish servers because i swore on qandil holidays


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honestly i couldve admitted myself into a canadian vetmed university when i was like 17 but i didnt go because i was in love with some girl or something

biggest mistake of my life

Anyone else pissed at the cultural appropriation of having kratos voiced by a black guy in the new god of war?


I’m a mafia mod

Ive never hated America more


Actually it wouldve been the biggest mistake to go. You made the best decision of your life to stay in turkiye.

50% off come join me and 3 other nadota ppl in fun game where u shoot robot

@Nmagane surely u and other :goywarning: can get this game