Gamers Thread

Round 1:

nma wins off some open hand after I riichi on a chiitoitsu hand waiting for a green honor; rons me

nma wins off some pinfu hand

draw, nma in open handed tenpai (with no honor tile… furiten)

do they have mahjong in egypt

I’m just clicking on arbitrary pieces

you should be attempting to not get ron’d

I will look out for that as I am playing

Furiten indeed.

Good game!

took myself out of tenpai x)


edit: oops wrong thread

Now they do


would prefer to play 4p games but I don’t think we can get 4.

nmagane might be a top egyptian mahjong player just by virtue of playing 5 rounds.

Never reach into another player’s rack

attempting to join. give me a sec

You never had me! You never had your car!

we are in the game already
matty is just discarding tiles.

Fuck that was a good reference


Congrats nmagane

nma literally just baiman’d us HOLY SHIT