Gamers Thread

Every talent ruins the game. They are all too strong and scale super hard

CDPR doesnt know how to balance games. We’ve known this for a while

Here is something fun I would do if I did another witcher playthrough:

If you have the two DLCs (fun content btw), as soon as you get to Velen (the open world part) just immediately go and start the DLCs and see how far you can get

They are supposed to be post-endgame content, however, there is a mechanic that should allow you to progress to the new area pretty early, get your House, get other cool stuff

I think I actually streamed this at one point. The “cyclops” boss you have to fight to enter the Blood and Wine DLC area has an instant-kill if you can shoot him with your crossbow in his eye. So this gatekeeper to end-game content can be cheesed at level 3 and you can break these polish retards’ failed progression system. Get a house and cool armor. Then go back and help people catch their chickens or whatever in Velen

You can probably also get the guy that enchants your swords from Hearts of Stone DLC early on

This seems like something that should have been there from early game and would be fun to play full game with

Thanks for that

Lost a gwent game.

One of the DLCs is just the top right corner of the map

The other is a new map area as I described whereyou fight cyclops to get in. You should have a quest in your quest log that says "blood and wine" to start that

You can probably explore both areas but may find the monsters are a little too big to fight. Would be interesting to see how much can be done without fighting monsters though

I just play Gwent.

Going to sleep soon will finish the game tomorrow.

Ok. You should stream it so I can watch and tell you what to do

Can’t stream and run the game at the same time. CDPR are worse at optimization than they are at balancing.

Set up your cell phone to take video

Don’t go towards the main quest. It’s boring. Go in the woods and see if you can find monsters.

how tf do people find time to be good at games while also having a job

i really wanna get stupid good at melee but with work it feels impossible to do so without ruining my life (ie skipping sleep, skipping good meals/cooking/cleaning my place, ect)

sounds dumb but do yall have any small things you do to make time for hobbies (gaming) i miss videogames

Nope it’s not possible and also not worth it

Your best hope is just to put some free time into it and slowly improve or just maintain results (works best if you’re already good to begin with)

But still it’s not really a great way to use time

You’re either born good at videogames or you aren’t , i myself can tell you that with 2k hours invested in dota 2 to reach 4.5k and recently calibrating to bronze IV in league with no job and 1.80 GPA

Mind you i reached 4.5k in 2016 by watching slithereen offlane riki replays, so it definitely doesn’t count.

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well idk about that

i was 5k in dota 2 in like 2014 which i was proud of at the time
im decent at melee

i feel like hard work is what got me there and like knowing how to practice well/recognize what i need to do to improve not like natural talent.

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like i think some people are always gonna be bad and its easier for some people to be really good but i think most people are somewhere in teh middle and can be good/bad depending on how well the use their tiem/how much the practice.

Yes exactly

Most full time employed people simply don’t have enough time in a day to put in the hours to practice

You can get incrementally better but it doesn’t compare to having a real chunk of time

There are options like cutting back on your work or not having any social life but those are just not worth it for a video game

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