

thanks for streaming last night @Miku !

Hope you liked the youtube shorts

I only saw a few minutes of the centaur gameplay. @Vanilla_Town and your support chased the enemy to the mid tier 2 while you stopped to farm the small camp. You showed up a minute later and missed your stun then the team ran away. Smart play not overcommitting!

i fucking love playing with marski so much. especially when he talks with his funny unenthusiastic voice

[in marski voice] Time for another stack with Marski...

marski's a great guy! sometimes he lets that nmaGane guy get under his skin and tilts but he's usually solid!

in namgane voice

time to feed 20 kills and die like a fucking re___tard for the 10th game in a row

in nmagane voice

time to random a stupid shitty hero and ruin the game by making dumbass puppey gank calls and getting my whole team killed ironic esports

Low iq Reverse-Classist mentality.

Durrr in my rank we just jungle for 45 minutes. You think you're esports?
I eat Mud and Tar. You don't want to eat Mud? Who do you think you are?

I know you're just trying to bait me anyway but I thought to point this out because I don't think this part was intentional baiting on your behalf.
It's just a third world mentality that seeps into many aspects of life - I would know, I'm also from the middle east.

We all know how it goes in our games and I don't have anything to prove to you or anyone here about my gameplay and its efficacy.
Especially when compared to the rest of you guys hahahaha.

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i enjoy playing with you except when you get grumpy

10k+ hours of dota a paragon of the game

random, go offlane, build vessel->drums on every hero. the pinnacle of dota gameplay

Just like you man.

Farming is ok when you trust your teammates, its better than waiting in the triangle for something to happen



the mods are kind of reddit in this channel

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It was JCrispy.