i came back to mm after 2 years today

It’s a sign of lack of vocabulary and social skill - no ability to express oneself, lack of language is lack of spirit, and not realizing that shows lack of self awareness and

Where did I say that I didn’t like you? I’m only trying to help.

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i'm glad we have new brain emotes

:brainlet: :brainlet2: :brainlet3:

Yea yea yea ok dude

I dumb U smart

Ooga booga

Land lord ROFL

Again for posterity I got no problem with landlords as a whole but cmon look at this fuckin guy

It is not my main profession but an inherited one. I have a degree in electrical engineering, electronics, and work in that field.

I genuinely have a hard time believing he’s still being earnest I’m really hoping it’s some super elaborate epic style 4chan troll thing


I’m sure epok is ecstatic and watching in glee as another blatant spammer that he leads into the site goes ape and makes a show just like the last three times.

So you’ve basically never worked a real job before is all I’m hearing

Do you really not see how you repeating this is embarrassing though?

Nah man I’m too stupid to understand

I just said that I’m working as an electronics engineer.

WOW! Well engineering ain’t easy man best of luck with that :slight_smile:

Hope u all the best in an actual real profession :slight_smile:

*Epok slobbers at the site: "looks good to me - no bans in order here".

ROFL ya I know right