Ian Mafia day 1

U can vlog if u want

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i do not own a switch but if u wanna play smash come through and ill body you wiht the coconut pac man

I have smash on switch if you get a switch (you should get one)

ian is scum for sure after these posts

She told me put my heart, in the back, and nobody gets hurt

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im pretty sure hes hte hostio dude

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even if hes the host lynch his ass

Please let me finish the vlog

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i have never viewed a v-log in my life

Am I allowed to spam this thread with incoherent bullshit

Let's keep it on topic.

I'm mafia

Iā€™m gay

What's your friend id @ian

Guys I think the usually active players are mafia

The absolute ghost town of this thread is very spooky

Some people have jobs.

on a saturday?

Yes I'm working becoz I'm not lazy.