insom stream thread

i believe they call this "coping and seething"

make mine with extra onions and some pesto, thanks

I dont care what you think this is it brings me much joy

ah good, thanks for telling me. blocked

me, literally every game

weird thread now

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Gamut is such a cool guy idk why you ever hated him. Is it because he had an onlyfans girlfriend or something like that?

yeah that was pretty much it. and that he streams.

maybe jdance really wanted to be a streamer and resents that he failed at it, idk. he really seems to hate people streaming lol

he tells him "get a job" 50x, just boring shit.

I think having this job must be about the only thing jdance feels good or proud of himself about deep down, it shows in his posting. it's very easy to see what makes him tick if you read between the lines when he does this stuff. he's mad at some imaginary version of his past self that he projects onto other people. it's very sad

can expect classic F R E S H content on this stream?

^ that's a banner at the bottom of the page and my offline screen at the top

changed my username!! quite happy with it

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gave it a little make over as well as a new name. @SOPHIE @huber how'd i do?