Here is how we bring peace to the middle east. Fear monger about atheists. Give them a common enemy in the reddit atheist and progressive leftist. Just like how sectarian religious conflict mostly vanished from America because there are bigger fish to fry: atheist communists.
progressive leftist atheist redditors aren't as spooky as daesh how do we get them to have the same gravity for cooperation?
What? ISIS and their sympathizers are part of the future united front against the communist atheists.
How do we make them have the same gravity? Homophobia of course. Nothing scarier than dick and sodomy to the religious.
but they already know atheist redditors exist and they're not nearly scary enough
now luigi's mansion, that's scary
theists don't care about atheists one way or another in america
they care about money.
if they gave me mod of the middle east i would fix it all.
so true bestie
I live in Mississauga its where all the sand nigs congregate. Im on the lake with the rich whites but anywhere north of the lake is browns. Thats how English society works in Canada. Rich near the water the poors not. Big demonstrations downtown at Square one, biggest mall in Ontario.
People are all EMERGERD how can these people be pro palestine. Like dumb ass white western woke donkeys. What did you think would happen when you mass imported these people xd? fuck lol
rich people near the water
i'm convinced u can only be pro-israel if you've never met an israeli. they are the most annoying people on the planet.
you mean Jew, if you’ve never met a Jew
Take note of the people that think my idea isn't perfect. Only communist atheist sodomites would oppose this plan.
The Arabs Will Stop Killing Each Other When We Remind Them Gay People Still Exist
there are several gays on this website