Jdance Mafia Day 1

It's not the first time he does that - he does it every time he's mafia.


Flop is 100% town, iaafr is likely scum

Yeah I’m aware he does it. I don’t consider it a tactic of his, I consider it griefing. I know what you guys think of cheating - you dont think what you do is cheating.

It’s not griefing and is a valid tactic that won him one game - fool me once, though etc etc…
Is bussing your teammates cheating?

Minute one bussing isn’t griefing. It’s a tactic

I think they’re both mafia.

You’re just a retard that constantly insists the goy club doesn’t cheat.

For what reason, I have no idea

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There’s no point talking to you - you’re either mafia like I initially thought or just the worst player to ever play on the site (worse than @SOPHIE)

No, Nma, you know I’m not mafia. Quit playing fucking games.

You know exactly who mafia are.

It’s you. Benny told me, over the phone, on WhatsApp Messenger, voice recorded message, that it’s you.

Haha yeah! B l a z e I t 4 2 0.

Is this your attempt at “Kids Humor These Days”?

That’s you “playing” mafia dude. Not cheating, “playing”

[Out of Character: This is all in in-game-roleplay ; Do not take this personal.]

No it’s not

Ok dude. What wont you lie about?

Ask me anything and I won’t lie.

It’s rhetoric because we both know there’s nothing you won’t lie about.

No, fucking d1 bussing isn’t fucking cheating or griefing, and you’re a moron if you think it is when Benny JUST WON A GAME DOING THAT