Jester Nightless [DAY 4 - END]

Oh yea. Theyre all mentally ill. screams internally youre the only normal one on the site nuzzles my cat

wow, over 200 new messages???

@epok congrats bro the site is BACK

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@Matticus Thanks again for a really fun game.
But you never let a raccoon loose during the game.


@LuckyArtist I was honest. I claimed scum, which I was. Sadge.

Oh well. A win is a win.

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I thought about releasing a raccoon but I don't know the mechanics for it, plus I like the games to be resolved by mafia skill rather than a gimmick. We'll never win that coveted MU Championship by releasing raccoons every game!

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that might be a good thing

i did nto enjoy having my letters taken

were nbot back until we get 2 of the 3 mythicals (brood, casey, mason)

I remember the only game Casey played.
He got vig, and shot scum first shot.

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I love you all. GG WP.

@bug Fuck off

@big_ass Stop whining and being so defensive when you lose.
You are a nice winner, and a sore loser.
Not a good look.


@bug Fuck off

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@bug Fuck off

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@pastel Fuck off

@LuckyArtist fuck off

Donโ€™t ping me thanks

At least not until u fix ur name

OK well this thread took a long time to catch up with

I agree with Nyte and disagree with โ– โ– โ–  (300 posts ago)

Jones is over the line to say "I would kill you" and "your sister lives 2 hours from me right"

He shouldn't say that openly in a thread and have โ– โ– โ–  be like "Oh well haha"

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Nyte just flag posts that cross your line and some mod will get to them

Then he can go fight with mods and tell them he will murder them instead of directing it at you

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Nyte is your sister cute