Jester Nightless [DAY 4 - END]


oh cause you're on the worng account

What are you talking about.

The mafiabot autolocking threads should be disabled anyway. I want to be able to post during night time.

Still? Still.

Congrats on your win @SCSF -- impeckable play.

Even if we lost because you grudge lynched Nyte, we got everything we could've wanted from this game.
One of the best mafia games hosted in recent history. Well done @Matticus.

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Guess I'll never know if nyte would let me catch a feel.


Why was LBJ killed on D3

Still? Still.

Jester loses automatically and dies on D4, it's part of the rules.

Does it say in the rules whether nyte will let me suck on them nipples?

You can host your own game for that.

Deadass, No Cap.

GG. Fun game. I really had fun that time.

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@LuckyArtist I was disappointed that you didn't vote.
You were the kingmaker.
I thought you would kill goy club instead of two active posters.

this game was ruined by assoul and you are a troglodyte if you believe otherwise.

Can you actually explain this? I didn't really read the game much after I died. From my perspective, Epok couldn't handle the heat.

reread my posts from that day, there aren't too many.