Jester Nightless [DAY 4 - END]

It takes a week to make it through 10 pages in Perdition, Burning, and Flames. You can try that if you want.

Nyte asks me to shoot kkat (that post) in response to my post saying I will be shooting the lowest-activity player

At that time, Kkat is the lowest-activity player. That's Nyte's like 3rd post and it's not even clear she scumreads him at that point

For the rest of the day she doesn't mention him again - in fact, she has only 11 posts and nowhere in there is there any sus or scumread of krazykat

In fact, her only scumread in that day is me. Her last post of the day is openly calling me scum with a gun. No engagement with the thread after the major events resulting in the loss of my gun

This is not a scumread at all she literally mentions kkat once in passing (presumably to point out he is low activity) and then moves on to hard scumread me. This is a classic nyte moment - mention the scum player in the thread one time, then hard push someone else (a town) and after the game people are in here like yea good job nyte, you pointed out a scum.

Her queue must have popped.

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There should be a prediction market mafia where lynches are based on PreditIt type markets.

Day 2, to test the "Nyte identified kkat early" theory:

2 posts in total in the whole thread. 1 of them says "yawn". The other is lynching me

Weighted mafia lynch power learned over a number of nights?

I think with KKat you really do need to latch onto a hunch like that. It's not easy, and it's why he has a high scum winrate.

you are discussing my "sus" of kkat in bad faith and you fucking know it

My last 7 (out of 16) posts in day 2, my last day alive in this game:

All identifying, pushing, and providing in-depth reason for scumreading KKat and SCSF. No other players mentioned, my final vote is on KKat and we may have even lynched him but I had to leave and wanted to reveal the SCSF scumread in case I died, resulting in him immediately switching

SCSF had said earlier in that day that he lock townreads me so this should immediately lock him in as scum for any decent town player.

What sus? You said KKat's name once and pushed me all game. You didn't even play the game in between my gun being taken and lynching me on day 2

Yes yes, we know you'd actually be a decent player if you read posts in a timely manner rather than ignoring them until you're 2 from hammer.

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you literally blundered about with ten thousand words each amongst LBJ and epok, all shot eachother and did nothing

i very clearly said that if you don't shoot kkat you are scum and that was my blatant reason for pushing you after

You getting test replacement or something dude? You've never been this funny.

Nyte's day 3: Finally understands KKat is mafia, only to give up on the game. 7 posts

Day 4: Doesn't show up until the game is already over, shows up just to blame me

LMAO ok now i know this can't be real

or you'd be embarrassed posting this

ah, good laugh

Can you imagine being in a rleationship with her if this is how she argues

YOu really blame me?

IDK what you're even typing so snarkily about, nobody else in the game identified the scum even once

I'm the one person in the game who found 2 scum correctly (at the end of day 2 after a very chaotic day 1) right before I am lynched

And if anything, my power was nerfed this game by insane host actions like taking my gun away because ■■■ pm'd you

Like I am willing to be gracious in the postgame but don't turn around and throw it in my face, my game was straight up griefed here lmao. If NMA hosted this game we would ban him from the website for 6 months

She's literally in the right though.

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