Jester Nightless [GAME]

@Matticus we need some indication of when day might end

If the best plan is to do nothing and let Matty roll dice for the game, then I don't want to calculate anything. That wouldn't be a real game.

@pastel and dondi - current lowposters for the game

Krazy and SCSF close behind (potential shot targets)

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The items are given out at the middle of the day, so I think it's ending in ~3 hours.


I sincerely doubt that.

Well then he gave out the items too early!

Matty said the day would last 48 hours which means there is still 24 hours of the day left.


If the day is ending in 3 hours Dondi is in serious trouble!

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
dondi_fontaine_houwk 3 SOPHIE, KrazyKat, LuckyArtist
nyte 1 SCSF
sophie 1 Vanilla_Town

Not Voting

Nyte, big_ass, Dondi_Fontaine_Houwk, pastel,

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5


plzzzz kill pastel

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I’m never voting kkat

Imagine being THIS scared of the god 3p player
(Which btw is yns im but a pale imitation of the 1 true 3p goat)

Once again, being afraid to vote or even caring about jester means ur mafia

@mafiabot unlynch

Sophie is seething in scum chat right now begging dondi to play

It’s so obvious dudes

Sucks ya got jester bro gg