July 4th shooter was radicalized by leftists news& groomed by the FBi

I eagerly await the further descent into a low-trust society where even economic transactions become impossible.

This guy is supposed to be 5'11" LMAO

Is that a smoke detector mounted on the side of the wall???

I don't even think this is "radicalization"; this is just a return to the mean. The natural state of a SSRI-society is being murdered on the street.



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simply based off how hard the corrupt media is fearmongering and milking this story is self evident that he was groomed and they want 2A gone.

We've known for a decade now that when a mass shooting happens, you're not supposed to give the fucking culprit spotlight on every fucking news channel for a week, you're supposed to mute the story and let it be done.
By giving them spotlight you're enabling other fucking psychos.

the MSM is pure cancer

There have been over 500 different stories on the same thing -

This is unironically true. It's borderline satanic how your media is so evidently in favor of catastrophic mass shootings and overall "one guy" massacres in general.

All of these are probably state funded anyway, but moving past this "crazy conspiracy theory" it's insane how every single one of these guys are publicized to a point where they're the Joker of the month which blatantly implies that this is being incentivized and these people are being made famous

This whole thing is honestly encouraging me to to travel to your country and shoot up a middle school so nmagane can e-mail Based.bmp to CNN news

It is , by and large, a Humanitarian Crime to publish photos, manifestos and profiles of Mass Shooters and mass Murderers. However this blatant truth is somehow always overshadowed by the "specifics" of the event? (CIA Agents?, Glowniggers? You tell me.)

The World is So Fake Gay and Fucked up that in all honesty, if you are geniunely concerned by anyone or anything that's not in your immediate vicinity or direct relation, you are most positively a delusional brainlet.

fucj joe biden

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You're wrong; it's a racial cope. All of the "progressives" know that ■■■■■■■ are what actually drive gun violence; hyper focusing on this is sort of an easement to cognitive dissonance.

Waukesha COMPLETELY memory holed.

Join teamspeak to threaten nmagane with Murder - He's asleep

@Vanilla_Town next time you soyface react my post you might end up in a ditch somewhere

I have those CSS'd to "okay sweetie" and "someone must have had a bad day".


Chinese are so based and racist.

They also eat their own relatives corpse for dinner if they happen to die in their sleep

the only use of emojis is to react to plasmanation posts in the manner of communicating with a really dumb person with extra hand signals and exaggerated emotion.

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When plasma says something based I basically want my post to have a picture of my smiling face in order to emphasize encouragement.

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Yeah 15 runer great player meteoran speedrunner here. What's up ■■■■■■■■

I don't know about that

The contrapositive isn't true