Linguistics Olympiad



why is this passable shit anymore

You're running the 2018 inhouse boyfriend in 2024.

Huber gets 1 point for being the first to solve Problem 2.
Nyte gains 1 point for correcting Krazy's answer to Problem 1, Part 2.

I didn't realize Krazy's answer is actually incomplete, so points for a complete solution to that one are still up for grabs. Whoever provides the most complete solution can steal Nyte's point.

Problem 2 explanation:


At first this felt like some intuitive linguistics puzzle, like we need to suss out what words are good or bad. But no - it's simple algebra.

Each fake word is a variable, some are equal and some are opposite. One statement provides the positive/negative indication and the rest falls into place from there.

Problem 3:

Why would you spend so much time trying to figure out how smart you are. Thats time you could be using to do something else.

Problem 1.3 - Proposed by You, the Users

Write the word ■■■■■■ in tenji.

Reward is 2 points but you will be banned from the website.

Stop doxxing me ■■■■■■ I have a girlfriend.

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ChatGPT can do this shit dude. Lol.

go tell your girlfriend how much time you spend making comments about murdering women and children and calling people *******, you fucking idiot

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are you saying that you need someone to type karate and anime in order for you to recognize that they have correctly solved your problems (for points?)

or do you mean you want to see the written tenji
i believe samurai is like 5 slots long and miso is 2
but i haven't thought enough about it

Guys please stop arguing and just love each other

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For part 2 you have to actually write out tenji for words/sounds you haven't seen before which (IMO) requires actually understanding the language/writing system

right, me explaining the lengths of the words should describe that i have some sense for the language

(whether it's right or wrong)

Yes it's right and it's the first part

but you see how in the first solution (actually in all the solutions so far) we can kind of take an algebraic approach

X syllables, we understand "ka" as a syllable and recognize it from another word, and so on

But what if instead of "ka" we now need to write "ma" and we don't have any example of that syllable in the given text?

we have mo, me
ka ke ki ko ku (for the purposes of a-e-i-o-u placements) ri no na ni etc

'mu' should read as 'me', so perhaps there is no mu, only m-u (ha-i-ku gives us this consideration)

If that's the case then Ku and Ke would be identical right?

(ma would be upper left and four below?)

unless there is no ku, as well

like i said, i didn't think it through beyond like this glancing assessment

no wait i see what i just did let me think about that