Lionskin Thread

is this kap or what?

No it,'s true. I literally couldn't find ways to progress. I never had a partner like you did though.

I'll be your stardew partner.

clearly it's not kapten..

having a partner is detrimental to productivity. i built the empire.

Kaptenrobert has gone offline for the the last 5 months or something. He's done.

He unfollowed me and removed me from followers on instagram

Toprak is the Kaptenrobert replacement now... rising up the ranks.

Yeah that's what I always say about Factorio too when people ask to play it multiplayer - those games are easier alone.
You should get into Factorio actually. You'd love it.

what is it

It's stardew valley but for men.

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so i wouldn't like it. .?

By men I don't mean males I mean Men.

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nma i don't know if you know this but i like hearts and stars and animals and decorating...


Men as in Mankind


Same. Honestly same.

i like growing things and giving people gifts


Mesa Unicorn...

do you want to be my duo buddy?

I have restricted access to a computer unfortunately. Currently at a Mountain House.

You're saying you wouldn't like this?

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