Matticus Mafia Day 1

You have literally used this lynch as a shield to appear to be doing anything for 3 days

I don't think you even have interactions with anyone aside from me

What i havent done is shit up the thread only to accuse the person accusing me :slight_smile:

Right. So you think it's better to be afk than to participate in the game

Yes. Sliding the thread is going to make other towns not inclined to read real posts and skip over things

Posting in the thread is the only way to be townread which is the most important skill for a town player day 1

Hence the excess of posts about "town circles" and "top towns" which in all honesty were mostly useless and nonsense except for the fact that they betray where people's heads are at which is looking for towns

honestly i'm not liking jenadas defense here.

You're just mad that I am calling your town circle posts retarded

Which they were.

i was making that post before you made that post.

i'll admit that hurt my feelings but that's not why your defense seems shakey to me

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Nobody should be clearing fucking Faz, Slowdive, Kyle on the first day

In fact Faz even made a massive reads post where he called a bunch of people town and I think gwiz pointed it out

Another question

Do you guys think this is genuine kyleposting

tucking your tail -- puke


yikes "because i know my own alignment"

of course you do, shift it

this is factual though. but still shifting

Lol fuck off kyle

Quote 6 of my posts

jenada if you really thought you were on the ropes here as town you would be trying to get your reads out and be coherent but instead you're just saying "everyone but me is scum"

Should I go back to the part of the thread where you blatantly buddy me and faz and try to get us to push your questionable lynch (klaze) because he called you scum

I'm not remotely on the ropes I have 2 tunnelers on me whom I am calling not genuine

precisely. whats this show all about right now jenada? you're acting like a mafia who is on the ropes.

What's going on here is I am pointing out several players that are making an appearance of engaging with the game but not actually doing so in any earnest fashion

Meanwhile you are getting your panties all knotted up because I called your early d1 play stupid and now you're going to push me out of spite